Businesses during Covid-19 crisis
To answer another burning question by businesses during this crisis, Nauriin Ahmed of The Legal Circle discusses some ways to deal with rental obligations during COVID-19. Link: The Daily Star
To answer another burning question by businesses during this crisis, Nauriin Ahmed of The Legal Circle discusses some ways to deal with rental obligations during COVID-19. Link: The Daily Star
A timely article being published in The Financial Express on employee severance at the time of COVID-19
Data, Privacy and e-commerce, wrote jointly by Anita Ghazi Rahman and Pushpo Rahman. Link: The Financial Express
Md. Rizwanul Islam, Nauriin Ahmed, and K. Shamsuddin Mahmood wrote on this topic Link: the daily star
Anita Ghazi Rahman wrote on Framing a social enterprise law in the daily star. Link: the daily star
Anita Ghazi Rahman wrote this article Link:
Bangladesh Section of “The International Comparative Guide to Project Finance 2016” jointly authored by Anita Ghazi Rahman, and Karishma Jahan Link:
Bangladesh Section of “Laws on Telecom and Media 2013” was authored by Anita Ghazi Rahman, Mohibul H. Chowdhoury, and Daniah Khandker Link:
Anita Ghazi Rahman wrote on MR A J O AND MRS T L V. The Slovak Republic, UNCITRAL Award. Link: google sites
THE TEMPLE OF PREAH VIHEAR – CAMBODIA v. THAILAND – (Decision on the Request of Provisional Measures) was written by Anita Ghazi Rahman Link: IACL